Another fun gathering on Thursday the 25th of April at Maltby Cafe.. The regulars plus a new Nothender. "Persistent" Mari Garber.
This was her first edventure out to be with us! She told me that she might be late trying to find the restaurant. After waiting for about 20 minutes and she was not there, I called her. Fortunately she had her phone on and I was able to guide her to Maltby. We were honored to have two of the longest continuous Cascade members is our presence. Stewart Davey at member # 104 and Mari Garber at #109. When the club was founded they started the numbering at 100. So does that mean owning a Healey keeps you young and active??
Be sure to watch for the next one so you don't miss out on the fun conversation and good food!!! Maybe the weather will cooperate and we can exercise our Healeys!

Bruce Barrett, Eric Anton, Harry Orr, Stewart Davey, Pam Martin, Mari Garber, Lois Buhman, Terri McDermott, Sue Jackson, Norm Dupuis, Jim DAbney and a missing photographer ,Bruce jackson