Malby Cafe once again! October 23rd 2024 It came with their Oktoberfest celebratiion! A nice grouip of the "regulars".
Check the website for the announcement of the next one on January 23
Check the website for the announcement of the next one on January 23
Thanks to everyone who made it to Maltby!! We had a couple of new faces (Ron Gangnes and Paul Lovick) and the weather was great and enticed some of the fourteen people who attended to bring out their cars!. Watch for edits!
Ron Gangness' beautiful Restoration by British Car Ranch
George and Carolyn, Ron, Rob and Carol and Norm Dupuis Enjoyed the sunshine
Stewart Davey , Pam Martin and Carolyn Cox
Maltby Cafe continues to take care of us very well. The usuals showed up. Steve Mowat made it for the first time for coffee and a bit of conversation. We missed Lois and Terri! Lois was in Alaska with her family recovering from her injuries. In recent conversations she was in good spirits and anxious to get back into Tweety.
Carol Wescott, Stewart Davey, Rob Wescott, Pam Martin, Norm Dupuis, Bruce Barrett, Sue Jackson Mari Garner, Bruce Jackson,, Steve Mowat. and Eric Anton.
Did I say conversation? Click on the thumbnails. It looks like some pretty "serious" discussion going on. Someone not so focused and "mugging" for the camera. Mari was showing pics of her car that is in the custody her son, Jim Corbett. Here is to hoping that we can do another gathering in July. Come! The food is good and it is a fun time to…
Another fun gathering on Thursday the 25th of April at Maltby Cafe.. The regulars plus a new Nothender. "Persistent" Mari Garber.
This was her first edventure out to be with us! She told me that she might be late trying to find the restaurant. After waiting for about 20 minutes and she was not there, I called her. Fortunately she had her phone on and I was able to guide her to Maltby. We were honored to have two of the longest continuous Cascade members is our presence. Stewart Davey at member # 104 and Mari Garber at #109. When the club was founded they started the numbering at 100. So does that mean owning a Healey keeps you young and active??
Be sure to watch for the next one so you don't miss out on the fun conversation and good food!!! Maybe the weather will cooperate and we can…
100K Challenge