Hey folks,
Back to our usual venue for the first Gig Harbor lunch of the New Year!
Look forward to seeing you there – usual request, please RSVP so the staff at the Hub can prepare accordingly.
Will ask for Terry’s help in putting an invite out on the Cascade website too.
Gary M Davis
(408) 431-4403
gmd2746@yahoo.com (mobile)
gmdavis@cisco.com (work)
Great to see everyone including Lois and Terri after an eventful trip to Gig Harbor! Good to see Pat, Jim and Bobbie Clark, Bruce and Sue, Andy S, Frank and Mary, Bruce Anderson and our long distance travelers Lois and Terri!
Looking forward to Sooke and the Rendezvous - going up on the Port Angeles ferry for 12:45pm and coming back on the 3pm on Wednesday (same as Pat)